Like a Fool Who Enjoys Digging His Own Grave

Image by RIANA SHIETRA Copyright
Image by RIANA SHIETRA Copyright
There is one thing that is so scary in the minds of good people,
Like a haunting nightmare,
That is when he was intentional or unintentional,
Has hurt innocent people,
Especially if the victim just silent noiseless,
Without rebelling,
Without protest,
Without a fight,
Without being hostile,
Without showing anger,
Without replying or threats to retaliate,
Even without holding any grudges.
Why if the victim is just silent,
Is it even more frightening for good people to make such mistakes?
If the victim is angry and replied,
Then the feeling of regret and guilt is at least not going to be haunting the perpetrator,
Will not continue to be a very frightening guilt,
Nightmares that bad karma will bear fruit in the end,
Perfectly and heavily,
Because the victim does not repay all our misconduct.
The more the victim only received it quietly, without the slightest avenge all evil treatment of us,
The greater the bad karma we have done and planted,
And the greater the regret we will feel,
In addition to the greater the weight of bad karma that will bear fruit in ourselves as the perpetrators of evil.
The bad guys,
It would be nice if the victims of their crimes,
Just silence when hurt,
And it will be even more evil, when the victim does not take any resistance when treated evil.
Like a fool who enjoys digging his own grave,
Or accelerate the vehicle at full speed toward hell,
That will lead those evil people to the brink of misery in the next life,
The bad guys,
It would be nice if the victims of their crimes,
Just silence when hurt,
And it will be even more evil, when the victim does not take any resistance when treated evil.
Like a fool who enjoys digging his own grave,
Or accelerate the vehicle at full speed toward hell,
That will lead those evil people to the brink of misery in the next life,
As a result of their various bad karmic fruits have matured and fruited on the perpetrator itself.
Realizing this,
It is terrible,
When a victim of a crime,
Just silent accept all the evil that is experienced by him,
Because the fools will be hooked to continue to drag on in their evil deeds,
Instead, they deepened their own grave hole, toward the bottom of the valley of hell, which would be very sad and painful.
Those who are dumb,
Reproduce their bad deeds during their lifetime.
While those who have understood the principle of the law of karma,
Will be very afraid if they have committed a crime,
Either intentionally,
Or through negligence.

© HERY SHIETRA Copyright.

Ada satu hal yang demikian menakutkan di pikiran orang-orang baik,
Bagaikan mimpi buruk yang menghantui,
Yakni ketika dirinya secara disengaja maupun tidak disengaja,
Telah menyakiti orang lain yang tidak bersalah,
Terlebih bila korbannya hanya diam tidak bersuara,
Tanpa berontak,
Tanpa protes,
Tanpa melawan,
Tanpa bersikap bermusuhan,
Tanpa menunjukkan amarah,
Tanpa membalas ataupun ancaman untuk membalas,
Bahkan tanpa menyimpan dendam apapun.
Mengapa bila sang korban hanya berdiam diri,
Justru menjadi lebih menakutkan bagi orang-orang baik yang melakukan kesalahan demikian?
Seandainya bila korbannya marah dan membalas,
Maka rasa penyesalan dan rasa bersalah itu setidaknya tidak akan terus-menerus menghantui,
Tidak akan terus-menerus menjadi rasa bersalah yang sangat menakutkan,
Mimpi buruk bahwa karma buruk akan berbuah pada akhirnya,
Secara sempurna dan berat,
Karena sang korban tidak membalas segala perlakuan buruk kita.
Semakin sang korban hanya menerima secara tanpa membalas segala perlakuan jahat kita,
Semakin besar karma buruk yang telah kita lakukan dan tanam,
Dan semakin besar pula penyesalan yang akan kita rasakan,
Disamping kian besar pula bobot karma buruk yang akan berbuah pada diri kita sendiri sebagai pelaku kejahatan.
Orang-orang jahat,
Akan merasa senang bila korban kejahatan mereka,
Hanya diam ketika disakiti,
Dan akan lebih bertambah jahat, ketika sang korban tidak melakukan perlawanan apapun ketika diperlakukan secara jahat.
Bagaikan si dungu yang dengan senang menggali lubang kuburnya sendiri,
Atau memacu kendaraan dalam kecepatan penuh menuju neraka,
Yang akan mengantarkan orang-orang jahat tersebut menuju jurang penderitaan di kehidupan selanjutnya,
Akibat berbagai buah karma buruk mereka telah matang dan berbuah pada si pelaku kejahatan itu sendiri.
Menyadari akan hal tersebut,
Adalah sangat mengerikan,
Bila seorang korban kejahatan,
Hanya diam menerima segala kejahatan yang dialami olehnya,
Karena orang-orang dungu akan terpancing untuk terus berlarut-larut dalam perbuatan jahat mereka,
Yang justru memperdalam lubang kubur mereka sendiri menuju dasar lembah neraka,
Yang akan sangat menyedihkan dan menyakitkan.
Mereka yang dungu,
Memperbanyak perbuatan buruk mereka semasa hidup.
Sementara mereka yang telah memahami prinsip hukum karma,
Akan sangat takut bila mereka telah melakukan kejahatan,
Baik secara disengaja,
Maupun karena kelalaian.