Konsultasi Hukum Pidana, Perdata, Bisnis, dan Korporasi. Prediktif, Efektif, serta Aplikatif. Syarat dan Ketentuan Layanan Berlaku

Ants Which Across the Ocean

A long time ago,
The man lived happily,
Although not familiar with computers,
There is no known television,
There is no known mobile phones,
There is no known internet,
There is no known car or plane.
Wherever they go by foot,
Corresponded with postcards,
See each other or with relatives in the tavern.
Human relations so closely and togetherness.
Fast moving era,
Humans also participated in move quickly because of it.
Humans feel dominate the world,
Although in fact, artificial technology, had taken control of us.
Technology makes human life knows no barriers of space and time.
But at the same time make people alienated from the real world.
Speak for themselves with inanimate objects called computers or mobile phones.
Friendly with digital friends.
Ants across the ocean, visible to the eye.
But the elephant in front of the eyelid, invisible to our eyes.
Modern humans,
Feel can not live,
And even would not be able to part,
Without their gadgets,
Hardly a single day without the Internet,
And even feel like to end of life just because of a power failure.
A boy in China,
Even willing to sell a kidney in half of his body,
Just for the sake of being able to buy the latest mobile devices.
When the times change,
Publishing a new edition phones are more sophisticated than the previous version.
The boy back to think,
Not become conscious because of his foolish act,
But he thinks to look for other organs of his body to buy the latest mobile phone models.
Humans increasingly trapped,
Suffer the same progress of the time.
The sophistication and the progress of time,
Created to facilitate human life,
Indulgent man.
However proved that then,
We can not cheat on life.
Always there is the compensation we have to pay for any luxuries of life that we take.
Don’t we all already know,
That human needs know boundaries,
But human desires no limits.
Because of ignorance,
Humans began to think can not eat without junk food.
Despite their ancestral humans survived and survived only by eating vegetables and fruit.
Because they defilement,
Humans began to get used to behave as if no one can live without the privilege of digital devices,
Or no motor vehicles.
Although our ancestors live on their feet to travel,
And count on their fingers to write.
We will never be able to cheat life.
When we take something,
Then there will be reduced and disappear from ourselves.
The more we are taking,
Even taking the rights of others,
So the more lost than ourselves.
Who else shall we swizzle and cheated?
May we all continue to remember,
That we can never really cheated life.
Although a criminal,
Free from the law,
He was never really able to cheat life.
This is called,
Natural law.

© HERY SHIETRA Copyright.

Dahulu kala,
Kaum manusia hidup berbahagia,
Meski tiada kenal komputer,
Tiada kenal televisi,
Tiada kenal handphone,
Tiada kenal internet,
Tiada kenal mobil atau pesawat terbang.
Kemana pun mereka pergi dengan berjalan kaki,
Berkirim surat dengan kartu pos,
Atau saling berjumpa dengan kerabat di kedai.
Hubungan antar manusia demikian erat dan penuh kebersamaan.
Zaman bergerak cepat,
Manusia pun turut bergerak cepat dibuatnya.
Manusia merasa menguasai dunia,
Meski senyatanya teknologi buatan telah menguasai manusia.
Teknologi membuat hidup manusia tak mengenal sekat ruang maupun waktu.
Namun disaat bersamaan membuat manusia terasing dari dunia nyata.
Berbicara sendiri dengan benda mati bernama komputer atau handphone.
Berkawan dengan kawan digital.
Semut di seberang samudera, tampak oleh mata.
Namun gajah di depan pelupuk mata, tidak tampak oleh pandangan kita.
Manusia modern,
Merasa tak sanggup hidup,
Bahkan takkan sanggup berpisah,
Dengan gadget mereka,
Tiada satu haripun tanpa internet,
Bahkan merasa ingin mengakhiri hidup hanya karena mati lampu.
Seorang bocah di China,
Bahkan rela menjual separuh ginjal di tubuhnya,
Hanya demi mampu membeli perangkat handphone terbaru.
Ketika zaman berganti,
Terbit ponsel baru edisi yang lebih canggih dari versi sebelumnya.
Sang bocah kembali berpikir,
Bukan menjadi sadar karena perbuatan bodohnya,
Namun ia berpikir untuk mencari organ lain dari tubuhnya untuk membeli handphone keluaran terbaru tersebut.
Manusia kian terkungkung,
Menderita dibuat oleh kemajuan zaman.
Kecanggihan dan kemajuan zaman,
Dibuat untuk memudahkan hidup manusia,
Memanjakan manusia.
Namun terbuktilah kemudian,
Kita tak bisa curang terhadap kehidupan.
Selalu ada kompensasi yang harus kita bayarkan atas setiap kemewahan hidup yang kita ambil.
Bukankah semua dari kita tahu,
Bahwa kebutuhan manusia mengenal batas,
Namun keinginan manusia tiada mengenal batas.
Karena kebodohan batin,
Manusia mulai berpikir tak dapat makan tanpa junkfood.
Meski manusia leluhur mereka selamat dan bertahan hidup hanya dengan memakan sayur dan buah.
Kerena kekotoran batin,
Manusia mulai terbiasa untuk bersikap seolah tak dapat hidup tanpa keistimewaan perangkat digital,
Atau tanpa kendaraan bermotor.
Meski para pendahulu kita hidup mengandalkan kaki mereka untuk bepergian,
Dan mengandalkan jemari mereka untuk menulis.
Kita tak akan pernah dapat mencurangi hidup.
Ketika kita mengambil sesuatu,
Maka akan ada yang berkurang dan hilang dari diri kita.
Semakin kita banyak mengambil,
Bahkan mengambil hak orang lain,
Maka semakin banyak pula yang hilang dari diri kita.
Siapa lagi yang hendak kita kecoh dan curangi?
Semoga kita semua dapat terus ingat,
Kita tak pernah dapat benar-benar mencurangi hidup.
Meski seorang penjahat,
Bebas dari jerat hukum,
Ia tak pernah benar-benar dapat mencurangi hidup.
Inilah yang disebut dengan,
Hukum alam.